
Our postgraduate programs are designed to produce globally competent graduates who have been nurtured to meet the demands of society and employment with a competitive edge through our industry-oriented programs coupled with practical learning to become leaders in future industries.

Our most popular graduate programs

Welcome to graduate studies at Faculty Business and Accountancy. Our research program,  Masters of Management (MoM) is specially designed for middle and senior managers who, in addition to acquiring conceptual management knowledge and skills, wish to undertake ‘hands-on’ research by applying the knowledge and skills to a specific workplace issue.

Our most popular program, Doctoral Programme is intended to working adults, teaching and non-teaching professions who wish to enhance their research management skills as well as upgrading their academic and professional qualifications in the field of business management The programme is strongly research-oriented and emphasizes early and effective involvement in research. While most graduates undertake careers as lecturers, scholars, researchers working within academic environment, the doctoral degree can also lead to careers in industry and government

Research and Publication Workshops


Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?